Sunday, May 17, 2020


WW Cinnamon Rolls

After a series of unfortunate meals this past week, I finally had a satisfying meanl preparation experience this morning.

I've been eyeing the Weight Watchers Easy Cinnamon Roll recipe for weeks, but baking isn't my comfort zone. I gave in this morning, and boy, was I pleased. For some reason, following all of the directions and seeing them come to fruition gave me great satisfaction. 

Here's what they looked like before baking. I was a little concerned because the recipe said to roll them tightly, and I struggled with that. My friends and I wondered how these could be 5 smart points each, but it makes sense now given the size of the pan (11x7, not 9x13).

Right out of the oven
Right out of the oven...

With the icing...

After consuming a third of the rolls (with Clint's help of course)!

This recipe was made with two-ingredient dough (fat-free Greek yogurt and self-rising flour) and of all the recipes we've made with 2 I.D., this has been my favorite. I'm really glad I took the time to make these! The recipe called to bake them for 22-25 minutes which I did. I ended up adding 2-3 minutes to that; I might even add a couple extra minutes next time because only one of the rolls had just started to turn a nice golden brown, but I couldn't wait any longer - I wanted to eat these!

Baktus Update

I reached the end of the Air skein which means I'm half way done! When I reread the pattern to learn how to decrease, I discovered that I had done the first part wrong. Well, not wrong, but not according to the way the pattern was written 😆. I was supposed to increase every 4 rows, and I increased every 2 rows: oh well! I had already decided that I really liked this pattern (with one exception) and I can't wait to make another one, so I will make sure to follow the pattern next time because I really do appreciate the slower increase and the elongated shape it creates. 

#FNT If and when I do make a new one, I will definitely add on a neat edge. During the first half, I assumed the jagged edge was due to the two different weight yarns (lace weight and fingering), but now that I am just down to the one yarn, the jagged edge continues, and I hate it! Although in the picture, you can barely tell it's so choppy. But I can tell close up. Maybe when I block it, it will straighten out: we'll see. 

Even with that dissatisfaction, I am still enjoying the Zauberball Crazy wool. It has a beautiful bouncy texture that makes knitting very enjoyable. I can see why there are so many fans of this yarn.

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