WW Cinnamon Rolls
After a series of unfortunate meals this past week, I finally had a satisfying meanl preparation experience this morning.I've been eyeing the Weight Watchers Easy Cinnamon Roll recipe for weeks, but baking isn't my comfort zone. I gave in this morning, and boy, was I pleased. For some reason, following all of the directions and seeing them come to fruition gave me great satisfaction.
Here's what they looked like before baking. I was a little concerned because the recipe said to roll them tightly, and I struggled with that. My friends and I wondered how these could be 5 smart points each, but it makes sense now given the size of the pan (11x7, not 9x13).
Right out of the oven...
With the icing...
After consuming a third of the rolls (with Clint's help of course)!
This recipe was made with two-ingredient dough (fat-free Greek yogurt and self-rising flour) and of all the recipes we've made with 2 I.D., this has been my favorite. I'm really glad I took the time to make these! The recipe called to bake them for 22-25 minutes which I did. I ended up adding 2-3 minutes to that; I might even add a couple extra minutes next time because only one of the rolls had just started to turn a nice golden brown, but I couldn't wait any longer - I wanted to eat these!
Baktus Update
I reached the end of the Air skein which means I'm half way done! When I reread the pattern to learn how to decrease, I discovered that I had done the first part wrong. Well, not wrong, but not according to the way the pattern was written 😆. I was supposed to increase every 4 rows, and I increased every 2 rows: oh well! I had already decided that I really liked this pattern (with one exception) and I can't wait to make another one, so I will make sure to follow the pattern next time because I really do appreciate the slower increase and the elongated shape it creates.
#FNT If and when I do make a new one, I will definitely add on a neat edge. During the first half, I assumed the jagged edge was due to the two different weight yarns (lace weight and fingering), but now that I am just down to the one yarn, the jagged edge continues, and I hate it! Although in the picture, you can barely tell it's so choppy. But I can tell close up. Maybe when I block it, it will straighten out: we'll see.
Even with that dissatisfaction, I am still enjoying the Zauberball Crazy wool. It has a beautiful bouncy texture that makes knitting very enjoyable. I can see why there are so many fans of this yarn.
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